Welcome to Lake Flamingo (as we call it affectionately)! Otherwise known as the bottom of my driveway. Until yesterday, we’ve had 26 straight days of rain. Not all day, mind you, but generally beginning around 11:00 in the morning and then on and off till the wee hours of the next morning. And then the sun would come out, turn the place into a sauna, cloud up, and start all over again. We’re supposed to have 2 days in a row without rain, and of course, the temperatures will be over 90 degrees.
In the backyard, I also had some that looked like giant enoki mushrooms, but when I went to photograph them, I couldn’t find them again.
I shouldn’t complain. Lake Okeechobee, which is about 2 hours north of here and is the main source of South Florida’s drinking water, is still about 1-1/2 feet below normal, and we are still under mandatory water restrictions.
oooh, wet, wet, wet! I looked at your photo and thought it was a lake. Then I read your text. Love it.I have a Nature Notes about bird sightings in my head. Hope it goes on the blog by the end of the day. Thanks for posting Nature Notes in Twitter…that's how I knew to stop by and say hi!
Hi!Love your photos! We get mushrooms in our yard too. Especially in the spring. I also checked out the quiz you posted about. I got 7 out of 15, which isn't bad I guess, but I should have got a couple of them, I guess I wasn't paying attention. Have a great day!!Sherriehttp://mygardeningwoes.blogspot.com/2009/06/nature-notes.html
I love reflections like the one you captured in a puddle or rather bottom of the driveway lake. I guess it's good that you are getting rain after the shortage. Your mushrooms look great too.
We've had plenty of the wet stuff recently in Victoria, Australia too. Just enough to be drizzly, the occasional burst to cause a hazaed for driving and don't forget the chill winds! Such fun going to work! But not complaining at all! We need it!Love your photos and comments!
Wonderful reflection and how lovely to have mushrooms in your lawn! I would love to have them, too. Have a great weekend 🙂
Wow – that is some reflection in the 'lake' – the clarity is awesome!We've had rain every day for a week here. I've noticed the little schrooms everywhere.I enjoyed your Nature Notes.Hope you're having a great weekend.
I also like the reflection in this photo.
Yep-rain for days and now it's dry and hot again.What's up with that?I'm ready for fall,already.Great photos!
Love your mushrooms! They look like little parasols. And that is a great reflection in your "lake".
I remember reading this…but I didn't leave a comment..Oh..I am going crazy…Michelle From Rambling Woods