Keep in mind here that I am writing this on no food, no water, and no coffee. In fact, I will probably be struck by lightening at some point. Fair warning.
We open on Kenley, Leanne, Korto, and Jerell at the runway. Heidi comes out and tells them that they will each put together a collection of ten looks for New York Fashion Week. They will each get $8,000 and will have 2 months.
She reminds them that only three of them will actually compete – when they return to NY, one of them will be out. She continues that the evening gown was a misstep for them as designers, but with more time and money, they think they will shine.
So, she’s sending them home with one more challenge – They are each to design a wedding dress that represents them as designers and as a reflection of their line.
Korto is annoyed because she thought they were finally going to be free.
I’m annoyed because I’m a quart low.
Tim comes out from behind the scrim and says that he will be checking in on them in the next month. So do it! Heidi: Yes, amaze us! “Come on, Tim. Let’s walk into the sunset.”
The Atlas lobby
Kenley: “Last runway show I was completely sabotaged by all of the other designers, and it sucked. But, bring it on, I’m going to win this thing.” She walks right by Jerell without a word, out the door, and down the street.
Jerell gets up to greet Korto and Leanne. They mockingly look around for Kenley – “There’s someone else.” “I don’t see anyone!” Korto interviews: “Typical Kenley. Rude as hell. I’m glad the judges called her on it. I don’t think it’s going to change her – she’s still going to have that stanky attitude…”
Jerell interviews that he doesn’t know what the girls are going to be doing at home with their $8,000, but he’ll be constructing pure magic.
Leanne interviews that this is her lifetime opportunity and there’s no way she’s going to procrastinate on this.
I really need a cup of coffee.
4 weeks till Fashion Week
Tim is in Little Rock, Arkansas (shout out to my friend, Kelli!) to check on Korto. “Who is it?” Air kisses at the door. “What is this place?” It’s called Park On River and belongs to the City of Maumelle (just NW of Little Rock, for you sticklers out there). The building has some spaces for artists, etc. Korto said she needed a place where she could concentrate, and though she loves her family, she doesn’t think that they fully grok the pressure she’s under right now.
Korto tells Tim that she was scared by his visit. He says: “Oh, don’t be scared. I’m friend, not foe… You know me.” Korto says that the inspiration for her collection is culture and nature and ethnic. She wanted it to be ethnic without being too ethnic. Her own original beadwork is incorporated.
The green is her favorite. Tim looks at it and says that the shape of it bothers him – it seems a little sexual. Kind of a snatch shot. Tim!
They move on to her wedding dress. She says it’s not traditional and is the color of her wedding dress when she got married (kind of a beige-y taupe-y color). It’s got a lot of tucks and ripples in the detailing. She says that she’s not going to have a headpiece or a train, and Tim says that it needs something that says wedding, not red carpet, but that it’s sensational and just stunning. Korto tells him that it’s been giving her nightmares.
Korto takes Tim home to meet her (very!) adorable husband and (very!) adorable little girl, and some friends. She wants to give him a little bit of Arkansas and a little bit of Africa. Her friends are introducing themselves, and one woman’s name is Star. Tim: “Star! There’s only one star in this household!” as he puts his arm around Korto. Awww. That’s sweet.
She then introduces her “drumming partner” and tells Tim that she’s performing for him. Gee, that’s pretty good. Korto voices over that she was born in Liberia in west Africa, and that it’s important to her to maintain a connection with her roots. Her family escaped during their civil war and her father, having been a government official, couldn’t go back or he’d be executed. Listen, Korto. I’ve had conversations with people who’ve been to Liberia recently. I’ve seen pictures. Trust me, Sweetie, you’re not missing anything. They didn’t have anything when they got here. They had to go on welfare and start from scratch. “Just because you’re down on the ground, doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” She wants to show her daughter that whatever she wants to be, she can be it.
As he leaves, Tim gives Korto’s daughter a lesson in air-kissing.
Caffeine deprivation headache setting in. Must. Lie. Down.
Okay, where were we? Oh, yes.
3-1/2 weeks till Fashion Week
Tim is in Portland, Oregon to see Leanne.
Leanne says that she loves her collection, but she’s really nervous about Tim’s reaction. Is he going to love it? Is he going to hate it?
After returning from New York, Leanne went to the waterfront and sketched for a few days and got the idea of doing wave patterns. Tim is concerned with the super white color in the collection. She says that she’ll probably do some dyeing (or was that, dying) to make the collection more cohesive. Tim suggests that her wedding dress doesn’t have the same ease and flow as the other pieces. It looks like a white dress with a bunch of those wave things stuck on it. She says that she’s going to make some changes.
Leanne is taking Tim for a bike ride (“I have to check my medical insurance first.”) It’s a bicycle built for two! How cute is that. She’s taking Tim to a park in the middle of the city.
Leanne wanted to be a designer since she was 12. She was a dancer and began designing her own costumes. “I was always drawing. I had a crayon in my hand from the moment I could pick one up. I was always drawing dresses. And then I thought, hey! I could have a job as a fashion designer when I grow up.” And when you do grow up, Leanne, you might want to think about doing something with your hair. You look like you’re still 12. A little makeup would kill you?
I would kill for a cup of coffee right now.
3 weeks till Fashion Week
Next, Tim goes to LA to visit Jerell. Jerell is very excited to see Tim and to show him the collection.
It’s pretty much an evening collection. There’s lots of embellishment and mixing textures. He shows Tim the wedding dress. Um. This really isn’t very pretty. Jerell wanted to do an “asymmetrical, swooping kind of thing”. There’s this really ugly flap at the top. Tim tells him it looks like something popped out. And it flaps. Tim suggests that he give it some stability, and when he separates it, lo and behold! There’s a dark beaded, almost bustier kind of insert. It’s shiny. Jerell interviews that Tim didn’t think it needed to be quite so asymmetrical at the top, “… and I think it speaks to who I am as a designer.” Uh, oh. Have you learned nothing, Jerell?
Tim checks out the rest of Jerell’s collection. “That’s a lot of look.” Tim thinks Jerell should start thinking about editing. Jerell appears a little disappointed. Tim asks if he can still meet Jerell’s family and friends.
Jerell grew up in South Central LA. His mother said she always knew he would have something to do with creativity. Jerell relates that when he was 4, he cut the bottom off of a tube sock, and “oh, there’s a dress with a train.” I’m thinking he needed to get out of South Central LA before the other kids found out. That’s a tough neighborhood. There was a lot of gang violence, the riots started about 2 blocks from where they lived and liquor store next door was burned down. His dad was a truck driver and was on the road all the time during his childhood. Jerell tears up when says that he appreciates his parents’ sacrifices to get him and his sister out of there and give them a better opportunity.
He interviews that being this close to Bryant Park, not making it is not even an option. “I’ve come this far and there’s no turning back.”
2-1/2 weeks till Fashion Week
Tim goes to Brooklyn to visit Kenley. She hopes that he loves her line that she works so hard on. She says that she values Tim’s opinion, even though it doesn’t look like it. Her grandmother was in fashion in the 40’s and “had a ridiculous style.” She was fun-loving and carefree and influenced Kenley’s style. I couldn’t tell. She gets emotional talking about how her grandmother just passed away a couple of months ago. Kenley was inspired by Alice In Wonderland and painting the roses, so she painted her fabrics. The one Tim pulls off the rack is silk. I hate to admit it, but it’s gorgeous. She shows him another piece that she’s trimmed with ropes wound around the neck. “Talk to me about the ropes.” “I’m into ropes!” Tim keeps thinking of people hanging themselves. Perhaps Kenley?
Tim loves her wedding dress – it’s spectacular. It really is. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Maybe it should be the grand finale?” “Well, yeah!” Kenley is very happy and hugs Tim. “Suddenly I think that I have a huge chance of winning.” I am, however, uncomfortably reminded of Bjork, the Icelandic singer/songwriter who wore this to the 2001 Oscars to great fame and derision:I would kill Kenley for a cup of coffee.
6 days till Fashion Week
Ooo, very nice! They put them up in the Presidential suite at the Westin Hotel, Times Square.
Korto is the first to arrive. “It’s too quiet in here – I need some roommates.” She thinks about the last time she saw Kenley and says that someone is going to have to room with her – she just hopes it’s not her.
To Korto’s relief, Leanne arrives next. “I was praying you would be here next.” Leanne takes her stuff into one of the bedrooms: “I’d better go mark my territory.” “Yeah, go pee on it.” Has Korto been watching America’s Next Top Model?
Jerell shows up next. “I’m hoping Korto and Leanne will be the ones joining me at the tents, but I guess we’ll see – I don’t know.” “We’re so sorry.” “Why? What happened?” “Well, let’s just say you go to your room and find out.” Jerell checks out the other bedroom. “Oh, I’m going to be staying with Kenley, Yaay!” “Don’t worry – we’ll come check on you.” “You might be checking on me on the couch.”
Kenley is the last to arrive. “Hi!” Everyone is very tense because they’re not sure what to expect. “Listen I’m sorry about being such a bitch. I just want to be cool with everyone.” She interviews that “It’s not really worth being mad at people I’m never going to see again. I’m not thinking about them at all. I’m thinking about getting to Bryant Park.” I don’t know, Kenley. Are you planning to continue in the fashion industry? Do you not still have some contractual obligations with Bravo? Then you know, you just might see these people again. A lot. For years.
The doorbell rings and it’s room service with champagne and goodies! There’s a note from Tim, telling them to relax and enjoy and he would see them in the morning.
Kenley pops a bottle of bubbly. Mmmm. Moet. My favorite. If any of you chooses to take note.
Right now, some Dunkin Donuts coffee sounds even better. Mmmm…
Jerell interviews that the mood in the room lightened after Kenley’s apology, but there’s still underlying tension.
Next morning
They arrive at their work room and begin unpacking their collections. Jerell tells the girls to finish unpacking and he would be by to critique them.
Tim comes in and asks them to “gather round.” He welcomes them to the Studio. He reminds them that only three of them will compete at Bryant Park. And to decide which one would be eliminated, there will be one more challenge. “I was pissed – we were all pissed” says Kenley. The challenge will be to design a bridesmaid’s dress to coordinate with the wedding gown they made for what they thought would be their final challenge. I could have told you that.
Tomorrow they will present their wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses to the judges. The budget is $150 and they’re off to Mood. They have until midnight to complete the dress.
Leanne says that she is using the opportunity to show more color.
Korto says that she hopes she doesn’t snap on anyone. Kenley replies that she can go ahead and give it to her, because she already has – at the last runway show. Korto says that was because Kenley called her boring. Kenley says that at least she didn’t say that she didn’t deserve to go on because of her personality. Well!
Korto interviews that Kenley is good in her book until she pisses her off again. Which could be at any time.
Jerell – bridesmaids’ dresses are butt-ugly.
Korto – It’s alright for your bridesmaids to be cute, ladies.
Tim’s Walkabout
Kenley: Fun and upbeat.
Jerell – looks sloppy – puckering. Don’t fight mother nature – or Nina Garcia.
Leanne – it will be cuter [if it were] shorter.
Korto – He sees 2 wedding dresses. “At this point, I see them in competition.”
Tim: “It is critically important that you can stand by your creations… Don’t make any decisions that you’re not confident about.” He’s so proud and begins tearing up. “I really care about you.”
Korto is starting to freak out because she has a lot to do and there are only 4 hours left till midnight.
I’m freaking out because, well…
4 days till Fashion Week
This is it – the elimination.
Korto shortened her bridesmaid dress. “I’m going to use my time very wisely.”
Tim is sending in the models.
Kenley thought she was the only one making a short bridesmaid dress. She’s really pissed off that Korto and Leanne did, too.
Leanne loves seeing her wedding dress on Tia.
Korto – Somebody’s dream is going to be ruined.
Heidi: “These 2 looks will determine which 3 of you will compete at Bryant Park.” Heidi, Michael and Nina are the only judges.
Leanne: MK – this is so chic, beautifully crafted. Fabric is interesting, modern, dreamy, you. Love the bridesmaid dress. Fantastic job.
Jerell: MK likes the wedding dress from the empire waist down. Looks a bit messy. The bridesmaid dress is “mumsy”(?).
Kenley – The wedding dress is a little Alexander McQueen. But done beautifully. The bridesmaid dress is cute. Heidi thinks it’s crazy good.
Korto – Heidi wouldn’t want to be the bride in that dress. The bride is overworked and bridesmaid is underworked.
Leanne – loves all that architectural work. Able to do the modern with the romantic.
Kenley – would be a fun wedding. Kooky and meticulous at the same time. The wedding dress would be an awesome finale dress.
Korto – overkill. Bridesmaid was boring.
Jerell: overwrought by 20,000. All he does is embellish things.
Leanne and Kenley will compete at Fashion Week.
Korto – the dresses did not relate to each other.
Jerell – look was garish and too much
Korto – is in. Jerell is auf’ed!
“Tear it up, Girls. If you want a basic white tee, get it from Michael Kors. (Ouch! Just a tad bitter, are we, Jerell?) I see when I’m 80 years old being invited to the Met for a retrospective of my work.”
I’ve noticed that there has been some heated debate on the interwebs on the subject of Kenley’s wedding dress. Some people feel that she stole the idea from Alexander McQueen, especially since MK noted that he saw something quite similar in Alexander McQueen’s show at Fall Fashion Week. I don’t know where they got their photo, but I borrowed this from LaLateNews to show you the side-by-side.
I’m not sure. Would Kenley be that ballsy? She has been called on being derivative before. So what do you think? And again, let’s compare:
Could we not just as easily say that Alexander McQueen stole his idea from Marjan Pejoski?
Next week: The Final Finale! Which they scheduled directly opposite the third and last presidential debate. Nice timing! So, I think it’s safe to say that next week’s recap will be late, too. Apologies in advance.
Now, where’s my damn coffee!?!