That’s all McCain had to say in tonight’s “debate”, “town hall meeting”, whatever you want to call it.
Would that be the same Ronald Reagan who fell asleep during cabinet meetings? The same Ronald Reagan who didn’t admit until his presidency was over, that he had Alzheimer’s?
McCain: “I have supported those efforts where the United States has had to take military action and have opposed those where I didn’t think so.” Or my favorite from the last “debate” (referring to some bill that he opposed sometime or another because of some added pork): “First I fixed it, then I killed it.” Huh? Is this what we would have to look forward to? Another 4 years of incomprehensible bullshit and naps?
Does this look like McCain was “joking around with an old veteran friend” when he sang a few bars of Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran?
In response to Obama’s brief recounting of his childhood – single mom, food stamps, scholarships for his education, etc. “The American Dream” – McCain said: “I grew up with my father being away most of the time because he was at sea, doing this country’s business… I was mostly raised by my mother.” What he didn’t say was that his father was an admiral (as his father was, before him). Not exactly the deadbeat dad / single mother scenario. Not exactly pulling himself up by his bootstraps. Just like his 7 homes don’t exactly make him relatable to the average homeowner in danger of foreclosure.
The pundits are all talking about how surprised they were that McCain didn’t take any shots at Obama regarding his sort of loose non-“association” with Bill Ayers, the aging Weatherman and “domestic terrorist.” Here’s my theory as to why that didn’t happen – and it has nothing to do with assigning the “pitbull in lipstick” the baseball bat:
I don’t think he dared to do it to Obama’s face. I think if he’d tried it, he risked the immediate retort of something to the effect of: “And how about that Senate reprimand for your role in the ‘Keating 5’ scandal?”
Because it’s one thing to throw the mud from a safe distance, and quite another to risk getting some on yourself. And he’s creepy.
Creepy ain’t the half of it. I turned to the RLA last night and said, I wouldn’t trust that guy near an elementary school playground. And the LA Times did the counting for me: he said “My friends (or friend)” 24 times in 90 minutes.
…and NEVER said “middle class” ONCE.