Chances are, if you’ve made it this far into the New Year, you’ve finally used up all that eggnog you bought for Christmas and New Year celebrations. If you live in South Florida, you made vats of either Crema de Vie or Coquito (add a can of coconut milk to your crema de vie…
Best (and Fastest!) No-Chill Sugar Cookies
When I was a kid, one thing you could always count on was Mom’s sugar cookies. They were (and still are) the only cookies she knew how to bake. But that was okay! They were (and still are) the best sugar cookies I ever had. To this day, you can walk into Mom’s…
Cranberry Wine Jam for Thanksgiving / Thanksgivukkah
Let’s start all over again. Thanksgivukkah = Thanksgiving + Chanukah / Hannukkah (or however you’d care to spell it. In Monday’s post, I made you a Hot Mulled Wine, using kosher sweet wine (in this case, Manischewitz Blackberry) for the #ThanksgivukkahPotLuck. Alright, so maybe you don’t want to serve hot wine to…