And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Bleah.
I’m not going to get into national issues here. Yes, the economy has tanked. The Republicans, aligning themselves with the fringe right-wing, have sabotaged health care reform and national security purely in self-interest and seem to have only one goal: driving this country into the ground and blaming President Obama and/or the Democrats. But I’m not going to talk about that, right now. I don’t need to go that big. To review:
If you recall, the year began with MJ’s mother going from hospitalization to dead in roughly 7 days’ time, the news of neither event being volunteered to us by his father, except that we happened to call him, coincidentally. Said events also giving rise to the only time in my life that I have uttered the word “fucking” as a modifier to the word “jewelry.” And as “Mom” was in charge of the family finances, and “Dad” was too self-absorbed in his own problems to notice and/or give a rat’s ass about her mental and physical deterioration (take your pick), we discovered that bills hadn’t been paid in several months, their power and phone were about to be cut off, and their mortgage was in danger of foreclosure.
Moving along, MJ was himself diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and hypertension. The quack doctor we were then seeing, decided it would be great fun to scare the crap out of me with a possibly serious thyroid condition, then disappear to a convention without leaving his staff authorization to share the test results with me.
At the end of June, the day after we returned from Sarasota and a week of R & R with good friends, our house was robbed, resulting in several months of dicking with the insurance company and endless – to this very day – recriminations from my mother.
Work has, quite simply, sucked. Believe me when I tell you that I am fully acquainted with my shortcomings. (No! Really! It’s true! I’m not perfect!) Without going into detail, I will only say that it’s just not necessary for other people to create them for me.
MJ’s father’s cancer has spread to his leg/hip. He pretty much stopped eating, had no appetite, and wouldn’t let his nurse’s aide fix him anything to eat. In his weakened condition, too self-absorbed in his own problems to notice and/or give a rat’s ass about much of anything, we discovered that bills hadn’t been paid in several months, his power and phone were about to be cut off, his mortgage was in danger of foreclosure, and all of his credit cards were cut off and their interest rates jumped to something usurious like 35%. We had him put on medication to stimulate his appetite, and while his strength and interest have increased, as a result, we’re keeping a closer eye on him.
But, it hasn’t been all bad.
As a result of MJ’s health concerns, he lost over 50 pounds and is on the cusp of being taken off the diabetes medication. We hope that will happen after the next blood test, which I’m putting off until February, because we’ve both been very very very bad children this holiday season.
I have become a relatively more regular blogger. It really is an incredible means of self-expression. I have ranted about life and sensitive issues like politics and the environment, expecting flames, and received praise and encouragement, instead.
Since joining Twitter, I have become friends with an incredible number and variety of people all over the world. With my “Recipe Monday” features, I’ve also somehow managed to be sucked into “Foodie World.” I’m baking bread with HBin5; I’m baking French macarons with MacTweets; I was flattered to be invited to bake 12 kinds of holiday cookies for “The 12 Days of Cookies”; and I will be attempting something else I’ve never done, in the coming year – canning – with Tigress’ Can Jam (I’ve got everything but the jars & lids!). I keep saying I’m not a “food blogger” – initially, I was super-intimidated to be included in such company (they all make such pretty things, and “pretty” is just not something I’ve really concentrated on!) – but, as we’ve all gotten to know each other, I discovered that experience counts. I learned that I have something to offer, and what I don’t know, others will help me learn. There is such a supportive food blogger community out there, and I’m proud to count myself as one of them. There. I said it.
I believe in giving back, and you’ll see more of that, as well. You will still see the occasional sponsored post, but what little money I make from that usually goes to sending packages to our troops in Afghanistan. While I don’t support war, I support our troops. I consider that two separate things. And since I didn’t have time to send them holiday packages, this year, I donated to eMOM so she could send packages on my behalf. I’d like you to click that “Chip In” button at the top of this page and chip in $5 or $10 so she can make her goal. Today is the last day to make that deadline. Please give what you can. * They made it! Thank you!
All of that being said, however, I am equally proud of being – for all intents and purposes – somewhat of an environmentalist and enthusiastic promoter of creating backyard wildlife habitats. If you have room for a bird feeder and/or a bird bath in your yard, you’re well on your way and should click that button in the sidebar to find out more. This is the perfect time of year to start and plan. So I will equally enthusiastically continue to participate in Nature Notes, too.
Appearing yesterday (my birthday!) was this female Red-bellied Woodpecker. I love this shot because you can finally see the streaks of red on her underside that gives this bird its name! You can click on it to see it in better detail – I forgot to re-size it. 🙂
I leave you with this terrible quality video I shot yesterday through my dirty window, of a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter. This may be old-hat to most of you, but I’ve never actually seen this behavior before, and certainly never thought South Florida squirrels found it necessary to do that.
Maybe he knows something I don’t know about the future. Maybe it’s a warning. Maybe I’m anthropomorphizing. Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I need to wash my windows.
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, and Peaceful New Year!
What a summary. Dear me, lots of health problems.That woodpecker is a great catch! He looks like he is staring at us.
I loved your Red Bellied Woodpecker, it is a great photo. I certified my yard as a backyard habitat years ago. I love feeding the birds and watching the wildlife.I wish you and your family all the best in 2010. Happy New years.
Excellent post, and admirably honest! I am so sorry about everything your family has been through, couldn't agree more with the political part (I swear even at the risk of worse times for our country some people seem to want President Obama to fail which pisses me off), and I love your wonderful nature photographs. I hope the year ahead will be a much better one for you and your loved ones. Happy Birthday belatedly! Take care, Carver
Sorry such a difficult year. I wish you a Happy New Year!
What a year, Renee! Some bad, and some good. (Glad for that "good" part!) Here's to a much better year, and many, many more–you food blogger, you! 😉 It's been so much fun getting to know you this year–you always have a smile for me and something to make me laugh. That squirrel? I'll bet he knew it was your birthday and wanted to give you something to ponder. 😉
I wish you the very best year and I hope we can get to know each other better this coming year! Happy New Year!BTW- Love the woodpecker!
I admire your candor RJ..I agree on what you've had to say. I am so sorry as it has been a challenging sucky year for your family..I hope 2010 is much better….hugs.. Michelle
Renee – I have been so happy to get to know you over this year. Blogging, tweeting and the people that I've gotten to know over both mediums has really enriched my life.Here's to a better 2010!-Shelley
Oh my, what a draining 2009 you had! Best wishes to you and yours for a much better 2010!I like the variety of your posts, opinionated, rants or whatever. (I think I discovered you via Michell's Nature Notes when I'd post photographs for that. I recently took a 2 month blogging break and am streamlining old posts.)Happy Belated BD! Lovely shot of a beautiful bird to highlight your day. It's a bird I've seen, unlike so many on the web; however, I've not caught it on my camera yet. Bravo for you!