I’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorryI’mSorry. I know I’ve been AWOL.
Also? Please forgive any future typos – it’s a little difficult to type with a small cat pinning down one of your arms, chewing on your sleeve, or wrestling your wrist. Just sayin’.
As dawn breaks into jagged shards on the L.A. smog, the remaining girls talk about how weird it feels that Ra’mon is gone (I’m thanking heaven I won’t have to type that stupid apostrophe anymore). Gordana likens the remaining designers to Olympic athletes – they’re all perfect, but on any given day someone may be one or two seconds faster than another.
With Ra’mon gone (okay, second-to-last time I had to type the stupid apostrophe), Logan has to move in with Epperson, Christopher, and Nicolas. Louise says that she doesn’t want to go home, and says that she’s going over the top because she doesn’t want to have another “snoozefest.”
Heidi points out that Nicolas has immunity this week, and that all she can say about the next challenge is that it will be “colorful.” She sends them off to the workroom to meet Tim.
Tim introduces Martine Reardon, Exec. VP of Marketing for Macy’s. She says that the challenge is all about the color blue. They must create two looks around the color blue, that are consistent with the I.N.C. brand. Tim tells them that the winner will be commissioned by Macy’s and I.N.C. to design a holiday dress that will be sold in select Macy’s (one presumes the stores they haven’t shut down yet) and online. MJ asks me if they get paid for design they create, and thinks it’s a rip that their prize is that they get to work for free. Prestige? I don’t need no stinkin’ prestige. Ppffttt!
They will be working in teams of two (Carol Hannah: “Wahwahwah!”). They have 15 minutes to sketch, after which they’ll pitch their ideas to Martine. She will pick her top 5 favorites, and those will be the team leaders, who will then pick their teammates. The designers are gaga over the possible opportunity to work for free, designing a holiday dress for a store that’s going down the toilet. I think I’ll probably be able to pick that outfit up for a song, by Valentine’s Day.
Martine has obviously spent a great deal of time in Human Resources. She has that HR smile and chipper fake “That’s great!” response with each of the designers. Irina is the first to figure it out. Two points for Irina.
The team leaders are: Irina, Althea, Carol Hannah, Christopher, and Louise. Althea chooses Logan, Christopher chooses Epperson, Louise chooses Nicolas, Irina can’t choose and Gordana volunteers, leaving Shirin to work with Carol Hannah.
Tim tells them that because the prize is so huge (the winner gets to work for a tanking mid-range department store, for FREE! Wowee!), there will be no immunity given for this challenge.
At Mood:
They get $100 per team and 20 minutes to shop. Irina interviews that it’s harder to shop with two people, because Gordana keeps running up to her with stuff. Gordana says that Irina keeps telling her that she’s stressing her out. It’s been slowly developing, but Irina is finally emerging as our “Bitch of the Season”, or BOTS.
Louise gets to the cashier and realizes that she doesn’t have her money envelope and runs around the store trying to retrace her steps. She finally finds the cash, and oh by the way, her sketch. This does not bode well.
Carol Hannah interviews that it’s tough being a team leader, because she’s never had anyone work for her, so she’s never delegated. Irina (BOTS) says that it’s a pain in the ass to be team leader, because you not only do your own work, but you have to constantly look over someone else’s shoulder, and she’d just rather do it herself.
Epperson explains how this situation is different from when he worked with Qristyl, because he actually respects Christopher. The truth comes out.
Nicolas notes that Louise makes animal noises while she works. He also hates ruffles.
Althea tells Logan that he’s her seamstress. He says that he prefers “seamster.” Is that a word?
Tim’s Walkabout:
Tim starts with Team Carol Hannah. C-H: “Team Awesome!” Tim: “We shall see.” They have the potential to knock their leggings off!
Tim tells Louise and Nicolas that he’s “excited by the potential” of their ruffled dress, and that they will see any problems and fix them. Hmmm.
Althea and Logan are making another suit. Irina and Gordana “have a lot to talk about and work out.”
Christopher and Epperson are making a shirtdress out of a shiny striped fabric. They have potential for “serious reinvention.”
The models come in for fittings.
Runway Day:
Gordana is frustrated because Irina won’t give her any direction, she just says “I don’t like it.”
Tim: “Good morning, designers!” They have 2 hours to fit the models, and go to hair and makeup.
Epperson’s pleased that the shirtdress looks like a shirt. Yup, that’s reinvention.
Irina thinks that Gordana should have been proactive.
Althea and Logan are in. Everyone else is in the top or bottom.
Louise and Nicolas, Christopher and Epperson have the lowest scores.
Carol Hannah & Shirin: The judges like them – fit into the I.N.C. brand.
Irina & Gordana: Irina totally threw Gordana under the bus. BOTS. Judges like their designs. Pretty.
Now for the bottom-feeders:
Louise & Nicolas: Heidi: “Who wears this, today?” MK: “Bridesmaid’s dress with a shower loofah ruched up the front.” Heidi: “Nicolas, aren’t you lucky that you have immunity? Aren’t you lucky?” Oh, Heidi. Really. Was that necessary?
Christopher & Epperson: Heidi doesn’t think that any modern woman would wear either of the looks, and thinks the other (MK: “teal charmeuse disco ball.” Hee!) looks like the girl was wearing a chiffon lobster bib. Christopher bursts into tears.
Louise & Nicolas: Unwearable.
Christopher & Epperson: A shower curtain and a satin disco bubble.
Irina & Gordana: Loved the striped dress and the judges believe that it’s a show-stopper.
Carol Hannah & Shirin: The two pieces would show very well together and would sell.
Shirin is in. Irina is the winner. Irina gets to work for a failing department store for FREE! Whoopee! Couldn’t happen to a nicer girl.
Carol Hannah and Epperson are in. Nicolas is told again that he is very lucky he has immunity. He’s in.
Louise – bad, overworked bridesmaid dresses.
Christopher – outfits had nothing to do with each other and no one would would want to buy them.
Louise is auffed. No great loss.
Christopher is in and breaks into uncontrollable sobbing. Oh please. Grow a pair, willya?
*Photos are from ProjectRunway.com
We understand. Cajsa and I usually sit on the keyboard and block the screen so Mommie can neither see or write. We just tell her that it's our blog. I'm nice to Mommie, but Cajsa can bite or scratch Mommie's hand when she trys to move the curser-mouse. I sometimes think that Cajsa thinks that it is a real rodent!Purrs from a fashion-catSara Cat