With all the back and forth nonsense about President Obama’s speech to kids, this morning, read it now. Then decide.
Now, I ask you: Why wouldn’t you want your kids to hear this? I’ve read the speech, and I just can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want their child(ren) to hear it. Well, yes I can. The same people who don’t believe that President Obama was born in the United States, and those who believe that health care reform means euthanasia for the elderly and infirm. And the people behind the scenes who egg them on. The fear-mongers. They don’t want children to be inspired by the first black president of the United States. There. I’ve said it out loud.
Glen Beck called him a racist and Sarah Palin called him a communist. I really hoped these denizens of the dark would skulk back into their caves after the election. I really hoped that the politics of fear would be replaced by civil discourse and exchange of opinions and ideas with the mutual vision of a better future for all.
We are a nation of freaking sheep, and I guess I’ve been watching too much Star Trek again.
*p.s.* Recipe Monday (on Tuesday) appears below.
The left is really insane. The election of Obama pushed them over the edge…of course Palin and Beck were already insane to begine with..
Did I say the left…damn it, I meant the right…..