Remember a few weeks ago, when I was trying to explain about the Northern Mockingbird who just wouldn’t shut up? Well, he’s back. And I’ve got proof, this time! I made a video. A crappy video, but a video nonetheless. Here’s roughly two and a half minutes of that little bugger, perched on my next door neighbor’s antenna, going on and on and on – and he wasn’t even close to being finished when I stopped recording!
And here’s a still image from the performance, in case you can’t tolerate looking at my blurry jumpiness. Oh, and keep in mind that this was taken through a closed door, and all the windows were closed, too! Be patient, he really takes off in the second minute!
Well, I didn’t say it was a good video…
I don't need a video to know what PITA's mockingbirds are!They eat our tomatoes!!!
Awwww… I didn't get to see the vid. It said it's marked private when I clicked play.
Sorry, guys! I'm a YouTube virgin – this was my first posted video ever! I don't know how it got marked private, but it isn't anymore!
I think you did a good job with this!They are pretty noisy aren't they!!Great post!!
I love it!! He is trying out every vocalization he can think of. I grew up around tons of mockingbirds and I miss them like crazy!! They are the cheekiest birds I know of.
I've never heard a mockingbird so I really enjoyed this..They really have quite the play list don't they? LOL…Michelle From Rambling Woods
I also have mockingbirds and I'll admit that I love them and their varied calls. I am so used to it that I can sleep through that right outside my window although some of my neighbors may not like it. Wait a minute, are you my neighbor? Just kidding, LOLCarver's nature notes summer with a splash