You want to save children? Open your eyes to the world and do what you can to save the ones who are already born, and who are in desperate straits of their own. Right now. As we speak.
Go to TOMS Shoes and buy a pair of comfy kicks. Or a hat. Or a t-shirt. For yourself, for a Father’s Day gift, or for no reason at all. For every pair of shoes or article of clothing you buy at TOMS, they will give a poor child somewhere in the world a pair of shoes. One-for-one.
Most children in the world are living in the worst possible conditions and they have no shoes. These kids have to walk on dirt paths or dangerous roads to get anywhere. In many places the soil is contaminated. Their feet are subject to injury and infection. Or they can’t go to school because shoes are required. What’s the solution? Shoes. What’s the big deal about shoes? Okay, go walk around your downtown, a construction site or your city dump for a day – barefoot. Go ahead. Then talk to me about the importance of shoes.
The Zoo Lady has been after me for quite some time to talk about TOMS. She’s a fan and so am I. Besides, anytime you can do some good in the world by shopping, it’s a very good thing. 🙂
Thanks RJ. You DO rock!Now check out Heifer International, and the new Heifer Village. I started volunteering 2 days a week there this spring. Grand opening was last weekend. Get your fellow bloggers to start alternative gift giving. If everyone made only 10% if their total gifting alternatively, extreme hunger and poverty could be eliminated in 10 years.I love your writing. Congrats to MJ.
I will check that out..Thanks for the tip RJ….Michelle From Rambling Woods