You know, I’ve written about 10 different introductory sentences to this post and erased them all.
I happened to tune in to my girl, Rachel Maddow, last night, just in time for this story. I’m not entirely sure why I felt I had to share it with you, but share it, I must.
And while I adore my dear friends who live and love in Texas, I can’t help but point to this as kind of a nutshell reason I don’t think I could ever bring myself to live there, myself. Emphasis on the nutshell. For real, you guys have enough problems: Bush, Rick Perry, potential secession, lizards big enough to eat small children…
I hereby dedicate this post to all my nature lovers out there, Texans, and most particularly to Miz Shoes and her hubs, the RLA. Enjoy!
Seriously, this is not my Nature Notes post…:-)
I pray it works, I am from the south and am no longer because of the fire ants!!
Zombie Fire Ants. If that isn’t a movie plot waiting to happen. Thanks for this. I LOVED it. I am not hungry….I love RM