*I spoke with my co-worker this afternoon and she told me that she telephoned Fisher House yesterday and was told that yes, Sgt. Thornhill is there; yes, his injuries are as severe as described; yes, his birthday is next week; and yes, this e-mail is completely genuine.*
May 19, 2009
I’m not sending this to everyone, but as my nephew prepares to go off on his 3rd tour in Iraq, I received this email from my sister urging people to send birthday cards out to a wounded soldier who needs some cheering up. It is actually aimed at former or current soldiers but It is legitimate. The original email is from an ATT employee, where my sister works, who is a member of a Marine organization. It is not on Snopes and I confirmed the legitimacy of the email with Fisher House and with the local Fisher House. (Fisher House is a organization which houses wounded soldiers and their families with a place to stay when they are getting medical care) So, with my disclaimer that I have verified this email, ……here goes. His birthday must be next week as my sister got the email yesterday.
“There is a wounded soldier in the Fisher House in Fort Sam Houston, Texas by the name of David Thornhill. Sgt Thornhill lost both legs and I think both arms as well as being burned on 56% of his body while serving this country in Iraq.
David has been at the Fisher House for 2 years and his parents have reached out to us. They are not asking for money or anything like that but they are asking for as many soldiers and veterans as possible to please send him a birthday card. His birthday is this coming week and it would be nice if alot of us send him a birthday card to show him how much we love him for what he has sacrificed for his country. His parents are worried about his emotional status and he hardly ever has visitors.
Let’s help this soldier and send him alot of cards. Show your love.“
Mailing address:
Sgt. David Thornhill
Fort Sam Houston Fisher House
3623 George C. Beach Rd
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Kids, I don’t want this to get out of hand – like that little kid in Scotland who was still getting postcards like, ten years later – but since Sgt. Thornhill’s birthday appears to be next week, I’d say we have till the weekend to get something off to him. Personally, I’ve sent him one of Daisy’s cards from Hallmark. (Helpful Hint: You can personalize it and change the word Congratulations to Happy Birthday) I’m not endorsing any one company, but I know they’ll mail it directly, taking care of the postage, etc. Maybe some of the others do, too, or maybe you’d like to get a card yourself.
Either way, it’s a small, personal way to say Thank You to one serviceperson – among many, I’ll grant you – for his service and sacrifice. I’m imposing a deadline of Friday, May 22, 2009 to get those birthday cards in the mail. Tell your friends.
That’s awesome! I sure hope Sgt. Thornhill likes his Daisy card! I am going to send him a card, too. I think I will be able get it in the mail today. Thanks so much!
Ok…RJ…will do…