Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S. I get an extra day off from work, and if it stops raining long enough, I’ll probably go outside and do some long-overdue yard work. I’ll probably grill some hotdogs and sweet corn, maybe make some forbidden potato salad later to enjoy with MJ. Many of you will no doubt spend the day similarly with your families and friends.
Popularly, we’ve all come to think of Memorial Day as the beginning of Summer – when you can bring out your white shoes and sundresses. And there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
But I ask you, while you’re standing over your barbecue or puttering in your garden, to Stop. For just a moment. Look around you. Take in the day and your surroundings. Inhale deeply. And Remember.
Remember the men and women in uniform – both military and those we now refer to as “first responders” – who gave their lives in defense of our freedoms. Whatever we feel about war, these brave souls responded to their country’s call and made the ultimate sacrifice in our names.
But for them, many of us would not have gardens to putter in or barbecues to stand over, or the food to put on those picnic tables. But for them, some of us wouldn’t even be here today, including me.
We are free and we are safe. Remember. And say Thank You. Even if it’s just a moment to yourself.
**Update: There is an actual “Moment of Remembrance”! At 3:00 p.m. today (whatever your time zone), please take a moment to remember and reflect.**
What a great post and wonderful reminder! We seem to easily forget while we’re enjoying our parties and family/friends, the real reason for the day. So thanks for the reminder!
Well said RJ…Michelle From Rambling Woods