There’s been some buzz around the blogosphere over the last few days about something called “The Food Blog Code of Ethics“. Click the link and read about it. I was just over at Elle’s, who I think speaks pretty eloquently to the subject, and this was the comment I left, with some embellishment:
I’m not a “food blogger”, though I love food and sometimes write about it. I might share a recipe I’ve tweaked (I think for the better), or a restaurant I’ve eaten at recently, or talk about a cookbook (you might call it a review) I’ve run across (I own over 200 and my passions run amok). In fact, I’m going to write about another one, soon. I’m not even going to mention the recipe contest. Okay, okay! I’m sorry! See, I didn’t even link to it. Sheesh!
I also blog about bad driving, politics, gardening, Project Runway, and whatever else I damn well please at any given moment in time. I don’t have your following or traffic, and I’m no pro. Sometimes I even blog for money. Does that make me a hack?
I blog as an outlet, a means of reaching out to my friends, both old and new, and to whoever Googles a topic I’ve written about. But mostly for myself. It’s my opinion, dammit. As long as I don’t slander or harass anyone, then I’ll write what I please, thank you. If Congress won’t regulate me, then why should I let some other strangers in the blogosphere codify me? Nor do I think any of you “real” food bloggers should, either.
I’ll read what I please, I’ll write what I please, and I’ll take to heart what I please. Badge? I don’t need no stinkin’ badge to tell me who to trust. And as for whether or not you trust me and my opinion, well, that’s entirely up to you. But then, I’m not a food blogger. I guess. Technically.
Awesomely said, RJ! Will be adding you to my blogroll, too. :)Thanks for the support.
I trust you RJ….and I hate to be told what to do…
AMEN, sister. There’s always somebody who wants to set themselves up as arbiter or authority. But food blog police? To them all I offer a hearty round of raspberries.