I know, it looks a little weird. So if you didn’t get an e-mail from me, here’s what’s going on:
My friend Kris had, what I thought was an inspired idea, and I promised I would spread the word. I hope you will, too.
Let’s all go BLUE for the next week, between now and Election Day, and particularly on Election Day – especially if you live in a heretofore RED or “battleground” state! Like Florida. Or Virginia. Or Ohio (my actual original home state – Go Buckeyes!) Very simple, and doesn’t cost you a dime – wear the color BLUE everyday at work and at play, to indicate our desire for CHANGE.
It’s subtle, requires no conversation (unless someone actually notices and says something like, “Hey! You’ve been wearing blue all week – forget to do your laundry?”), no banner-waving – just a quiet statement that you demand CHANGE. It’s kind of a grassroots thing. Maybe folks will notice and will feel encouraged, empowered. Maybe I’m delusional.
Coincidentally, I’m wearing a blue shirt today, so I’m off to a flying start. Join me and spread the word by e-mail and blog. I’ll be blogging about it for the duration on Flamingo Musings and however possible on Flamingo Fotos, in fact, I’m turning my blogs BLUE for the next week, until Election Day.
Think of it as a meme. Come on – tag yourself. Let’s turn the States BLUE! Join me?
I haven’t been to this blog of yours and didn’t realize that you live in Florida. Randi Rhodes was on the radio talking about the problems with the early voting down there…
They “fixed” the early voting today. Now, instead of the Republican-shortened 8 hours a day (resulting in waiting times in line of anywhere between 1 and 6 hours!), our Republican(!) governor signed an executive order going back to the original 12 hours. An anonymous RNC honcho was quoted as saying that our governor just lost McSame Florida. From his mouth to God’s ear, I say.I think of it as retribution for McSame picking apPallin over our governor as his running mate. You reap what you sow, eh?
I love this idea, and will blog about it for you, but darlin’ Miz Shoes does not look well (or good) in most shades of blue. Only deep aquas and teals and thus does not own anything blue. Except jeans and Miz Shoes cannot wear those to work every day. I would if I could, but I can’t. So with you in spirit, if not in action. I’ll do my best on election day, though.
Yes, yes, yes!!!! BLUE!!!!! All the way!!!!!!!I can’t stress this enough.EXCELLENT POST.
ps….My November 4th blog is turning blue.GoBama!![thanks for stopping by today! Well, last night to be more specific]Did you hear that Obama is only 4 points behind McCain in Arizona?!!! Yay….I’m still holding my breath, but think BLUE