And now a short break from beating up on politicians:
Along with everything else that’s happening around us these days, please remember to Click to Give. It costs you nothing and means everything to women without means. Your Daily Click will help provide mammograms to women who can’t afford them. While you’re there, you can also click to help save the rainforests, support animal shelters, feed the hungry, and more.
So, please take a minute and Click!
Back soon with our regularly scheduled politician bashing!
rj!!!!!!!!how are you dear! i see that you are actively blogging now. i am back and trying to get everyrone to know that i am back. i am 4 months pregnant now.hope to see you in my blog!take care!
by the way, i have an alternate blog of inspirational stories that you might want to check and also is called:http://www.flowersbythewayside.blogspot.comcu there!