Here’s a meme I received from Posh awhile back… I’m so behind!
Instructions: What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Copy/paste, type in your answers and tag four people in your lists! Don’t forget to change my answers to the questions with that of your own.
(A) Four places I go over and over: Cape Cod, Lancaster PA, Virginia, (hopefully!) Sarasota
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly: Miz Shoes, Melody, Shawn, Leesa
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat? North One10, Deli Lane, Woodlands, my house!
(D) Four places you’d rather be? Sarasota, Cape Cod, Boston, Vancouver
(E) Four TV shows I could watch over and over: America’s Next Top Model (ANTM), Project Runway, Dr. Who, Torchwood
(F) Four people I think will respond: Mira, Miz Shoes, Rozie, Shelly
Your turn!
Hey, RJ thanks for the tag 🙂 Will get it done, but I’m not sure when! Hehehe I just have so many tags piling up!
GAH!!! a meme. You are EEEE-vil.BTW, can I bring number 3 surrogate daughter to your house for the ANTM premier? We have a standing date for Project Runway….And lastly, wanna come over with MJ for a bbq on Labor Day?