You know, I’m no fan of Paris Hilton’s. The fact that I am actually mentioning her name in this space without a snark, is as much a surprise to me as it is to you. Especially to me.
I’m sure you’ve heard about and/or seen Republican presidential candidate McCain’s new ad, comparing Barak Obama to the likes of Paris Hilton – the context being, “Yeah, he’s popular. He’s a rock star. But is he ready to lead?”
Apparently Paris Hilton was actually offended and more than a little pissed to have her name and face used in said campaign ad without her permission. But, hey – she’s a public figure and legally, there isn’t a whole hell of a lot she can do about it. Except this:
Who knew she had it in her? To quote the Fug Girls: Well played, Paris.
Well, maybe. But I still loathe her. And her little dogs, too.
Believe me when I say that it pained me. But credit where due, I always say – no matter how grudgingly given.