I blame Miz Shoes. See those little eggs over there in the sidebar? Well, hers were so cute that I couldn’t resist. Now I’ve got several of my own. I’m such a follower. Please click on my eggs and (if the links work correctly) any resulting hatchlings. If that doesn’t work, click here.
I’ve forgotten nearly everything I ever knew about html code and I hope to get this working correctly eventually. I can’t even get the little boogers to line up side-by-side. Anyway, if I understand this properly, my eggs have to be clicked on so that they’ll hatch and not die.
I don’t know why I’m doing this. I can’t even remember to water the “chia pet” on my desktop.
I hate that chia pet app. I would put it in hibernation every time I went away for a long weekend or vacation or some other reason I wasn’t going to be able to water it and it STILL died! Why have a hibernation function if it isn’t of any use? Grrrr.