Like the rest of the world, we’re in a position where we have to figure out the priorities and timing of how to spend our money. What there is of it.
There’s still the roof issue and the washing machine issue. I’m about to throw on some clothes and take the Prius up to the dealer for a new “starter” battery. That‘s a priority. I still don’t know why I should need a new starter battery after only 3-1/2 years. All it does is lock and unlock the car and start the engine. That’s it. Another >sigh<.
MJ is trying to finish up a project by the end of the week and doesn’t want to deal with roof people and washer people, etc. while he’s “in the zone.” I can’t say I really blame him, but at least he’s already here. I’ve got so much stuff sitting on my desk at work right now, I don’t know how I can take off, either. At least he doesn’t have a half-dozen people huffing and puffing down his neck all day, every day.
I figure we’ll probably get it sorted out somewhere around the time of the first hurricane. Then start all over again. rrrrrgggghhh.
Sux. Big time. It isn’t covered under warranty? And it took, what, three times of the battery failing for Toyota to decide you needed a new battery and not just a charge? SUX.
And as for the laundry, come to my house to watch Project Runway and bring your poo-poo undies. I haz a washer and a dryer.
I hope you get the time to figure it all out but don’t wait too long. If you lived closer my washer/dryer would be your washer/dryer.
Awww, Thanks, you guys! I know it’ll be okay. It’s not that it stopped working altogether, you just have to babysit it, in case it gets stuck on the rinse cycle. Pain in the ass.Ass to the battery, I insisted on the new starter battery. They couldn’t find anything wrong.
Oops! Freudian slip, there!
Stuck on the rinse cycle? Sell it to a felter, who would LOVE to have a machine stuck in rinse. Cause, you know, you have to babysit the machine when you’re felting so that it never drains, just agitates and agitates and agitates.