Well, not literally – in fact she’s curled up next to me as we speak – but tomorrow all the bosses will be away at a seminar for 2 whole days. Yaaayyy! I’m hoping to clear away a whole bunch of crap, so when we go off to Sarasota on Saturday, I won’t have anything to think about or remember.
I very patiently explained to MJ that I don’t want to do anything, don’t want to plan anything, don’t want to sightsee or visit any museums or tourist spots. I just want to sleep, lay on the beach or by the pool and drink his very special Cosmos (I need to come up with a catchy name for these things – white peach cranberry juice, vodka, Grand Marnier and fresh lime juice. Mmmmm.) Okay – coffee in the morning, easing down into the Cosmos. Maybe a book, some cribbage, get together with The Shoes. But that’s it.
So why is he looking up stuff about the Ringling Museum, etc.? What part of “I don’t want to do anything” is being missed here? Why do we have to do anything? Hmmm? Frankly, the whole point of blowing off a third weekend in a row is to just Stop. Otherwise, why go to the effort of getting away?
I think the biggest challenge is going to be figuring out the bathing suit portion of our program. Fortunately, from what I understand, I don’t have to worry about being confronted with any of the “beautiful people”. Thank G-d. The last thing I want to do is suck in my stomach all weekend. I might give myself a pedi, though.
C’MON, YOU GUYS! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CLICK! Time’s starting to run out to get those 8,000,000 Clicks on The Breast Cancer Site’s June challenge. Don’t wait – Do it now! And don’t forget to remind everyone you know to CLICK to get Free Mammograms for women who can’t afford them. It’s FREE to YOU and FREE to THEM — all you have to do is CLICK! The clock is ticking, so keep on clicking!
EGGS-ACKLY!!!!The whole freaking point of Sarasota is to do nothing. Nada. Lolling about doing nothing. Lolling about in the sun, doing nothing. The most exertion I get is shaking the martinis. Or looking for fossil shells. OH! I have to spend MINUTES! slathering sunscreen on myself, and then there is the ORDEAL of smoothing out the beach towel and adjusting the umbrella. Whew. I’m tired just thinking about it.MJ can go visit the Ringling Museum his own self. Hell, he can take the RLA if he wants. But mostly? this is one big eat/sleep/drink binge. How big a binge? I’m buying a pack of smokes for the trip.