Did I mention it’s free? Honest! It costs you nothing – no money, no forms, completely anonymous, and FREE!
Let’s start a chain that actually is for real and does some good. No, really. How many times have you passed on a chain letter/e-mail for some ridiculous possibility that something good will happen to you… or at least that nothing bad will happen to you. Hmmmm? Didn’t you feel stupid and superstitious? You just couldn’t let it go, could you? You just had to pick 5 or 10 or 15 people out of your address book to burden with some lameass b-s, didn’t you? Well now you can make up for it! Nobody’s asking you make any kind of monetary donation or send a get-well card to a kid in Scotland who’s been out of the hospital for 10 years already, or try to scare the crap out of you that “the gangs” are gonna getchu if you flash your car’s brights for their initiation, or to tell your sisters, wives and daughters to memorize a number to call if they feel like they’re being followed on the highway — THAT ONLY WORKS IN ONE STATE!!! Umm, sorry – got kind of carried away there for a moment.
Remember: It’s FREE! Doesn’t cost you a red cent! A plugged nickel! A thin dime! Nada! Zero! The sponsors of the site donate to the causes there in return for the advertising. You just have to prove you were there by CLICKING! That’s it! That’s all there is to it! There’s only 29 days left for this special cycle at The Breast Cancer Site, so get on your e-mail, your Blackberry, your iPhone, spread the word, and get clicking!
Yes, it’s for real. I checked it out myself through all the scam-spotting websites. Really!
And while you’re there, click on the tabs to feed the hungry, save the rainforest, help shelter animals, promote literacy and child health. It’s all free to you and means so much to so many.
Okay, so you can shop, too. They do have a lot of really cute and cool things. But GO! Click! What are you still doing here?!? Use one of these thoughtfully provided links, or look over there on your right. No, higher. A little bit higher…. See that? It says “Daily Click“. You know what to do. And do it everyday. Especially during the month of June. Come through here, if you like. I may not have a new post everyday, but I’ll always have the Daily Click!
P.S. — R.I.P. Yves St. Laurent and Bo Diddley. And Godspeed, Sen. Ted Kennedy. Our thoughts are with you all, today.
Thanks for sharing this. It’s a really important cause and I’ll spread the word by adding it in my blog too 🙂