Well, today was my sister-in-law’s (and her sister’s) bat mitzvahs. I was surprised to see that they were sharing it with 3 other people – a husband and wife and another adult man. Credit where credit is due, guys, they worked really hard and it takes some guts to get up there and do what they did. I’ll leave the snarks for another time.
I was a little irked that we (MJ, Mom and I) got there late, so the “girls” never did get to see my tallis. They were already up on the altar when we got there, and I had already (had to) take it off before we saw them afterwards. Rats! Because, my friends, it was truly a way cooler tallis than either of theirs (which, frankly, kind of resembled white tablecloths with some embroidery — okay, I have to get at least one snark in!). See? Here it is:
Here’s a close-up of the detailing:Wasn’t I right? Doesn’t it go gorgeously with the salwar kameez set I wore? (Well, okay, you can only see the kameez part, but isn’t it fabulous?) As soon as I saw the fabric, I knew I had to wear this particular outfit.
Let me tell you — Two of the Sisterhood ladies were out in the lobby when I stopped to put it on before entering the sanctuary, and when they saw it, they just about swooned. They asked me about it, and I, of course, had to tell them that it was made for me by my good friend, Miz Shoes (Tante Leah Handmades). They examined the fabric. They fingered the fringe and the knots. They exclaimed over the quality. They gasped over the matching tallis bag. They said I should put her in touch with the temple director, who would get her to the right people about selling tallissim through the Sisterhood Gift Shop, because they’re always looking for a source of tallissim. Yup. I had the coolest one in the house. So, Tante Leah, if you see this before we speak, call me. I felt like a queen.
Yes, there are days when I can be just so shallow.
Hey! Don’t forget your Daily Click! Just because it’s Caturday, doesn’t mean I’m letting up on you!
Perfect! Thank you for the plug. This entry totally made my day.