No, really. Meet my new friend, Soma Cow. “Soma Cow” is an internet “radio” show (on Sundays from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.) after my own heart — funny, offensive, irreverent and smart. Emphasis on the smart.
Some of you remember my old haunt, Pandemonium – later The Pandemonium Midnight Uprising (moved to Wednesday nights at midnight because we offended more people than we were aware were actually listening to us!), a radio show on WLRN Public Radio, here in Miami. Pandemonium was an ensemble production that I had the pleasure to be a part of some twenty-something years ago. Our unofficial motto was “If we haven’t offended at least one person out there, we haven’t done our jobs.” There. You’ve now learned another deep, dark secret from my checkered past. Anyway, I’ve really missed that style of social commentary. And now, we’ve found it again in Soma Cow.
There’s live participation through the phone, chat, and if you miss the live show, you can catch the podcast or just read it online. And they can swear! That’s something we couldn’t have gotten away with… ‘Cause it’s the freaking INTERNET!!!
Of course, I am probably more amused than I should be that Soma Cow is based out of Central Florida. It’s nice to know that there are other folks out there who forgot their hats in the Florida Sunshine and became a bit ‘tetched!
Thanks. Thanks for listening, thanks for understanding, and thanks for getting it.And thanks for talking about it.