Where was I? Oh yeah…. Here we are – Night 2 of the Flamingos’ not-so-excellent adventure.
So, the bed is a vinyl-covered pentagonal trapezoid (I’ve forgotten most of my high school geometry. Are those mutually exclusive?) stuffed in the back corner of the beast, jammed between the WC wall and the “kitchen” cabinet/sink. No shit – the thing has five corners! You have only one access corner, and so you have to quite literally crawl in and out. So if there are two of you, plus a cat who likes that front corner (the only access, remember?), well, what if one of you has to get up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night? Look, here’s what I mean:
That’s JJ blocking the entrance.
For the privilege, we’re paying just over $100 a day, plus $.32 a mile. Good thing we didn’t actually go anywhere. I already told you about the meter on the generator. We have to top off the propane and refill the water tank with our garden hose. They can charge me what they like, but I draw the line at dumping the charmingly and euphemistically labeled “black water” tank. Nope. Not gonna do it. You can’t make me.
Thank G-d we can get back in the house in the morning. Although the man with the whiz-bang Vikane detector gizmo never showed up, we’re told that it would be perfectly safe by 9:00 a.m. Okay fine. You heard it here first. So if one or both of us drops dead, our heirs will have a dandy lawsuit available to them. I don’t care anymore. It will be worth it to get my 50-year old toddler to stop whining “I wanna go home!” The RLA (the husband of my dear friend, Miz Shoes) has a lot to answer for.
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I’m just glad it wasn’t mine, for a change.
The RLA demures. He says that he only told MJ that we’d camped in an RV when we had our house tented. He didn’t say it was a GOOD idea, nor did he expound on our experience. Because at least your bathroom worked. Ours did not, because the “black water” had not been emptied prior to leasing the vehicle to us. So. Stinky and overflowing. And hot, because I forget why we couldn’t plug into the house, but we couldn’t. And it was summertime. And the RLA managed to poke a hole in the camper by driving it into a tree branch. We “fixed” it with spackle before we returned the arvee.